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Nursing Assistant Services

Apollo Home care provides semi-skilled nursing services. These services are transition services where once the criticality of the patient has reduced and needed a transition from critical phase to independent life, the nursing assistants play a pivotal role during this phase of transition. Nursing assistants also handle geriatric patients who are on oral medications and on injections without any critical procedures.

Head to foot

Vitals Signs

Hand Washing

Oral Care

Bed Bath

Skin Care

Back Care

Blood Sugar


Wound Care

Nebulization Therapy

Oxygen Therapy

Adult Diaper

Position Changing
and lifting

of injection

AHC-Clinical Documentation

Why Choose Us

Happy Patients


2 Lakh
Patient Care Episodes

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In the hospital you are just one of the patients. At home, you have personalised care. The nurses and doctors have only come to see me. We really appreciate HomeCare’s effort and help.

Mr. Jalan

After he came home from the hospital, he has been recovering better and faster. Whether its how much he eats, or the small wins he’s had.’ – Mr. Shiva Charan’s Mother.

Mr. Shiva Charan

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